OIL & GAS PRODUCTION - Onshore - Greenfield and Brown field Projects
- Production Systems & Gathering Systems
- Early Production Facilities
- Separation Systems (gas –oil-water separation, oil and gas dehydration, desalting, etc.)
- Gas Compression and Injection Systems
- Produced water handling and treating facilities / Water Injection Systems (treating, pumping, metering and distribution facilities)
- Steam generating plants and distribution systems for thermal recovery projects
- Storage Systems
- Gas Compression Systems
- Gas Treatment
- Balance of Plant
- NGL Recovery and Fractionation
- Gas and NGL Storage Facilities
- Systems Optimization
- Application of Technologies for Monetization of remote “stranded” gas (GTL, mini / Micro LNGs)
Refining, Chemicals and Petrochemicals
- New Plants / Industrial Areas
- Revamp / Expansion Projects
- Maintenance Projects / Equipment Replacement
- Process Units / Utilities / Storage Facilities
- Flare Systems
- Vapor Recovery Systems
- Material Handling Systems
- Interconnecting Pipe Racks
- Substations / MCCs
- Control Room / DCS Upgrades
- New Installations / Expansions
- Interconnects
- Metering
- Compression and Pumping Stations
- Crude Oil, LPGs, Natural Gas, Refined Petroleum Products, Water, etc.
- New / Revamps / Expansions
- Storage Facilities
- Fire Monitor Systems / / Vapor Recovery Systems
- Metering Systems
- Utility Systems
- Loading / Unloading Systems
Power Plants
- New / Expansions
- Maintenance Projects / Equipment Replacement
- Simple Cycle / Combined Cycle / Cogeneration
- Distributed Generation
- Renewable (Solar, Wind, Biomass, Waste to Energy)